How to calculate control valve diameter size ,let’s give you some brief introduction about how to confirm whether the diameter is suitable for the control valve.
Control valve working condition:Medium:Liquid nitrogen,t=33℃,λ=5.9×10^-4kgf/cm3,Pv=15×100kPa,Qmax=15m3/h,the corresponding Qmax p1,p2,△pmin is (530、130、400)×100kPa,Qmin=5m3/h,△pmax = 500×100kPa,s=0.2, choose high pressure control valve ,flow characteristics:linear ,with positioner,what diameter(DN) is suitable for the control valve?
1.Flow capacity:Qmax=15m3/h。
2.Pressure difference:△pmin = 400×100kPa,△Pmax=500×100kPa.
3.Kv value calculation:
Step 1:we can know from datasheet :Fl=0.8.
Step 2:flow state:0.5p1>>pv,Therefore:

And △pmin > △pc,so it is block flow.
Step 3:Adopt the KV value calculating formula of block flow state

4.According to Kvmax=0.64,Check the flow coefficient of the high pressure control valve,get DN=10,dg=7,and Kv=1.0
5.The opening of calculation
Because Kv=1,the control valve only has linear flow characteristic,adopts linear culculating formula.

The max. opening Kmax<89%,The min. openingKmin>10%,so Kv=1.0 is qualified.
6.Adjustable ratio calculation.

The calculation result is qualified.
7. the pressure different calculation △p<[△p],(because ds<dg)is qualified.
8.Conclusion:DN=10,dg=7,Kv=1.0, Calculation is qualified.